So, I've turned 25 last Saturday. Dah a quarter of a century lah seh!
And to think about it, when I was younger, I thought 25 was OLD. Amek kau. DAH TUA.
But truth to be told, I dont feel any day older since I was 18/19. Still feels the same.
Had a simple celebration affair with the family and the fiance on Saturday. Cake with the family after break fast. And I received the biggest gift from Mummy. A TV set for our bridal chamber aka bedroom! So sweet lah. :) Cant wait to finally put together the room in my house. Currently, the room is a store. For real. Can you believe it. Used to be a study room but left unused. So yar, shall save the story of doing up the room after puasa when FINALLY, it will be cleared up, painted, rewired; dan apa-apa lagi sewaktu dengannya.
On Sunday, it was a private affair with the beloved fiance. SUKER PLEASE! Had Max Brenner for the first time, (I know right. OMG.) and it was truly an overdose of chocolate. Crazehhh. Dont ignore diabetes people! I think we had enough chocolate to last a lifetime. But it was really good and rich. Note to self: Share the dessert and drink. Don't action and order one each. Pengsan. Manis potong kaki okeh.
And of course, a birthday present for me...
Tickets to 'The Phantom Of The Opera' at MBS. WAH! Banyak suker lah. Enjoyed myself thoroughly during 'Wicked'. I hope this would be awesome too! Last birthday as a single woman. Time sure flies.
By the way, we decided not to book our honeymoon during the Chan Brothers Travel Fair as we were quite apprehensive of the packages they offered. Pikir nye pikir, takut no halal food and also the company during the tour. We would definitely stick out like a sore thumb. So yar, I guess let's just stick to Muslim travel packages. No worries that way.
So blessed to be this happy. Alhamdulillah. :))
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