Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Final Countdown

This is IT. The wedding week. The anticipation is killing me! I've made it to the "Next" in-line list on KK Blog. Alo BTB on the same wedding day! To finally see this, is making all the wedding even more real. (Ape logik entah. Not that it wasn't in the first place?!) Lol.

So far, 2 days of bangun-tido-bangun-tido nights. Stres beb. There is something wedding-related thing to do everyday, all scheduled out already. Where did all the time went?! *Faints*

Im just going to list out things happening so far. 

1. Berkat packing
Had my minions to help out! Ignore my sister's crazy hair and irrits face. LOL. 2 friends, Ain and Sarah, and also my cousin, Nadiah, came over to assist. Cray cray factory line. All got potential to become minah kilang already. HOHO.

2. Tables and chairs
They have arrived under the block! Glad that the wedding reception is under the opposite block. I can stand at the kitchen window ALL DAY LONG, kalau dah takde keje lain kan, to look at the decor. HAHA. So fast! They placed it there on Monday. 

Living in a community of health enthusiast. Healthy lifestyle. Bagus, bagus. 

3. Final fitting(!!) 
Fittings, choosing of accessories, being "tortured" by the corsets. Yes! Done! Can't wait to be dolled up. No pics of outfits. A surprise! Must wait after wedding day. Muahaha.

4. Delegation Of Jobs
So, just hours ago, the adults came over to see how things are going. Alhamdulillah. All has been smooth sailing. Can't thank enough for that. So, gave out itinerary. Insyaallah, all goes well. I'm so blessed to have such a close knit extended family. Hearts all!

Upcoming To-do-List:
1. Final ngaji session for khatam Quran
2. Get dulang-dulang hantaran ready
3. Henna Nite
4. Henna for sedara
5. Make bunga rampai and bunga telur
6. Get house ready for Nikah

The list goes on and on and on.. OMG. Final kopek already. JIA YO!


  1. All the best dear!! Semoga semua lancar barakah, Amin! ☺️

  2. YAY! your turn now, all the best!

  3. congrats in advance!!

  4. Selamat Pengantin Baru you two! Since primary school sey! Haha. But I think the relationship only started in secondary school la kan? Haha.
