Sunday, September 29, 2013

Bridal Chamber

So, the hiccup has finally tide over. Phew. At last I can update about our bedroom.
And our bedroom at my house is 80% ready! The journey of our bedroom was a loooong one. It all started from the day he proposed, which was last year March and yes, after.. 1 and a half year (OMG?! I know), the room is ready. Lamer benar yer. Buat BTO pun lagi cepat siap. Hah!

Why it took so long? Here's comes the story. The room was initially a study cum recreational room when my family first shifted to Woodlands. That rec room didn't last long. It was mostly unused.  So, the family, starting dumping all sorts of used/ unused items in the room. It became a freaking storeroom. Sofa, almari, dining table (!!), etc. *Gasps*

Stage 1: Clearing. The clearing began when we decided to stay at my house after the wedding. Determined I was to clear the room. Macam nak pengsan boleh.

The crazy mess. And this is only half way through. Should have taken the way initial state of the room.

Stage 2 & 3: Wiring, paint job. Up till recently only, the room was "magically" cleared. Seriously, buang je, buang je! Mummies have a thing with "simpan je. Sayang." New fan and plugs were installed. My birthday tv got mounted too. Yipee! Painting job began after Hari Raya. From green to...

Blue! Wasn't so sure about the fiance's idea of having the trimming to be dark blue as well. Macam style rumah lama-lama kan. But, I must say, it turned out superb!

Stage 4: Delivery of furniture. This was where the hiccup happened. OMG. The mattress, purchased from one of the Sungai Kadut warehouses, came promptly. The problem was the bedroom set from Malaysia. No call, no confirmation when it was coming. Called them multiple of times and they said they will get back to us but they didn't budge for 2 weeks. Imagine, THE HORROR. Sumpah, takut okeh.

Finally, alhamdulillah! They arrived last Friday. It was nice and absolutely perfect! Buying in JB is wayyyy cheaper (like about half the price of a regular bedroom set in Singapore. Serious, tak bedek.) but worth the worry? Scary definitely.

Stage 5: Air-con installation. Another headache, I swear. Shall not burden with the air-con story. Too many technical terms. Basically, we can't use the regular one. So, the options remaining was window casement air-con or air cooler. Urgh. Both also tak berkenan please. 

The air-con guys are coming tomorrow. So, let's see how it turns out. 

Anyways, so glad good progress has been made. Really thank the support of my parents for getting an electrician and painter for these jobs. Blessed. :) Let cheong like mad all the wedding preps my fellow BTBs, okeh!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Here and There

Time ticking by so slowly at work. Term 4 is a total drag. Way too tired in school. Can't seem to have the strength to go Amore. :(

On a brighter note, wedding cards are ready! Here begins the collection of address. So surreal and so real seeing your own name!

Flower booches for my cousins and close friends!

Been wanting to blog about the bridal chamber ahem, bilik pengantin ler. But, there has been a hiccup recently and the room is not ready. So, let's wait and see. Thank god, I had been preparing that room for the longest time. So, there's 2 months more. Don't panic, YET. 


Sunday, September 8, 2013


Going JB in 15 mins time and so while waiting for the fiance to fetch me, I'm going squeeze in a quick update. Sempat eh. 

75 days more! MasyaAllah! 
Its finally the start of September holiday = more wedding preps. Seriously, a never-ending job. Yesterday, we got LOADS of shopping done. Went to King Koil Sale at Sungai Kadut. Y'all should go. Sale is till tomorrow. Bought pillows, bolster, covers, bed linen and protectors. 

Of course, the main thing we needed was a mattress. Manage to grab one at an extremely good deal at one of the warehouses nearby King Koil. So many kind to choose from. Spring-pocket lah, integrated spring lah, cotton cover so nanti tak panas lah. Too much makcik talk going on. HAHA.

First time at Sungai Kadut warehouses. Sales and cheap prices everywhere! OMG. A haven for home furniture. Went to Comex even after that. Told ya LOADS of shopping.Got his hantaran laptop at a good deal too and also harddisk.

All in all. Good shopping. I'm dying for the preps to end. All I see is monies flying out. Le sigh.
*chants: It's ok. What's abit of spending in comparing to marrying the love of my life!*